This my new illustration, inspired from song (again and again). Ummm... i'm rather to falling in love with Gotye music. Very cozy and easy listen. hhehe. and my favorite song "Somebody That I Used To Know" - Gotye (feat. Kimbra). The interest part of this song is when Kimbra sing,.. nice..i love it.
When Kimbra says,
...But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say..
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That guy, the strange type. He maybe love his girlfriend. But what are you think, if he always say the same thing everytime. So bored, not interested, so mistaken. And the girlfriend, maybe she love his too but not much more. Please... the girl not believe the guy because he doesnt try to understand the girl.
That a little story about the illustration, have you catch my new style on this illustration?
wah aku suka banget ama lagu ini chaaaan >.< kemarin juga abis nge-take lagu ini bareng anak chiptuner gitu tapi belom selesai di mixing ampe sekarang, sebel :( *sorry-curhat* hehehe bdw, nice artwork chan (y)